Fathir Slametriadi, ST
Putra Kedua dari
Bapak Ir. H. Slametriadi
& Ibu Ir. Hj. Sitti Rohani Rasjid Miru
Ersya Nurul Ainun Bakhri, S.Kel
Putri Kedua dari
Bapak Capt. Syamsul Bakhri, M.Mar
& Ibu Hj. Andi Erawati, ST
Back to the end of 2022, Fathir & Ersya met as co-workers in their company. Started from a little chit-chat and met in a few events together, they’ve became good friends to each other. It took them a year to get closer to each other, and in the process they found that they have so many resemblances - physical and character wise. Eyes, laughs, habits, and more.. it just feels like they’re mirroring one another.
October 2023
Under the skies of Malaysia, between the city lights, Fathir proposed to Ersya and they made a lifetime commitment to bring this journey to the next level.
July 2024
Fathir made his decision official to be engaged with Ersya in front of their loved ones, families, & friends - making them officially fiancé & fiancée.
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