We MET because of work at one of the event kuliner..
Commited together
okt 23.
On okt 23,2023, we MET for the first time to be able to believe in our hearts for all that has been conveyed. After that we trusted each other and asked for the blessing of both parents.
Engagement, Mei 2024
On mei 17 th, come to apply. And decided to get married on November 22,2024
NOV 2024
IF u count on your fingers, until this happy day, its so short. But for a prayer Will continue to flow. For that we ask for prayers from family, relatives,friends. So that our event run well, smoothly, and facilitated in every way
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, bagi Bapak/Ibu/saudara/i yang ingin memberikan tanda kasih untuk kami dapat melalui :
Bank BCA An Alexander Suriady Ardie No.Rekening 5810999049